Antibodies, Vaccines and Immunity

Antibodies, Vaccines and Immunity

Meiler Lab is expert in the field of structure-based reverse vaccinology. Starting from co-crystal structures of antigens and antibodies, we study in depth their interaction and use the acquired knowledge to computationally design vaccines and antibodies. With our experience in the field of machine learning, we developed programs able to predict epitopes of interest in multiple viral glycoprotein and to predict potential escape mutations. Moreover, we perform modeling of critical bio-molecules involved in defense and escaping of the immune system, such as CDR-H3 loops and viral glycans.

Vaccine Design

Computational design of vaccines has evolved rapidly over the course of the last decade, driven largely by the pursuit of an HIV vaccine. Researchers employ several strategies when developing vaccines. The shared objective motivating these approaches is to increase the abundance of ...

Antibody Design

Antibodies have become an increasingly relevant class of pharmaceutical modality in recent years owing to their quick development time. In 2018 seven out of the top 10 performing drugs were monoclonal antibodies or antibody conjugated drugs. ...

Antigen-Antibody Interactions

Antigen-antibody interaction is the study of the binding interface of antigen and antibody. This knowledge facilitates antibody design as well as vaccine development and enhances our understanding of the molecular mechanism of pathogenicity ...

Glycan Masking

Glycan Masking is a technique used in structure-based reverse vaccinology to focus the response of the immune system towards specific epitopes of interest. Glycans are added to the surface of potential vaccine candidates to hide epitopes ...

Epitope Predictions

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Antibody Loop Modeling

The complementary-determining regions (CDR) loops in heavy and light chain of antibodies play an important role in antigen recognition. However, the high variability in the CDR loop regions has posed a significant challenge ...

Escape mutant prediction

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque finibus venenatis lorem sed convallis. Etiam faucibus justo in urna feugiat, blandit pretium sapien pharetra. Sed mattis tristique quam, a rhoncus ante placerat sed.