Antibodies, Vaccines and Immunity
Meiler Lab is expert in the field of structure-based reverse vaccinology. Starting from co-crystal structures of antigens and antibodies, we study in depth their interaction and use the acquired knowledge to computationally design vaccines and antibodies ...

Small Molecules
“Small molecules” is a vague term for all organic molecules with a molecular mass smaller than 600-800 Da. The term “small molecule” is intended to assure that these molecules are not being confused with large biomolecules, such as proteins, polysaccharids or other biopolymers. ...

Membrane Proteins
Membrane proteins play important roles in many biological pathways. Understanding membrane proteins may require an integrative approach since certain structural and mechanistic aspects of these proteins can be ...

Protein Discovery and Design
Rational protein design generates new protein macromolecules with novel functions, increased therapeutic efficacy, and novel fold patterns. In the Meiler laboratory, we develop experimental and computational technologies in these areas to engineer and investigate ...

Personalized Structural Biology
Medicine has experienced a revolution in the methods used to diagnose and treat disease. Dramatic reductions in the cost of DNA sequencing are enabling clinicians to leverage the full genome sequence of patients to inform diagnosis and treatment. This genetic information offers ...

Diseases we cure
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Computational Methods
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque finibus venenatis lorem sed convallis. Etiam faucibus justo in urna feugiat, blandit pretium sapien pharetra. Sed mattis tristique quam, a rhoncus ante placerat sed.