Vanderbilt's ACCRE Cluster is presently undergoing a massive update.

VUStruct web input will be offline until this update is complete.

Welcome to VUStruct

Mutations in protein coding regions can be deleterious through various mechanisms(Taipale 2019). To holistically inform structural biologists, VUStruct accepts sets of Variants of Unknown Significance (VUSs) as either a VCF file of human genomic coordinates or as a CSV list of amino acid changes to specific Uniprot proteins. The pipeline automatically selects protein structures which cover missense variants, launches the compute jobs on Vanderbilt's ACCRE computer cluster, and creates a final drill-downable report page

These documentation pages provide pipeline input examples, output report examples, and documents our thinking on how the suite of computational methods, together with the generated website, inform hypothesis generation.

The VUStruct compute pipeline is intended only for academic research, and is provided free of charge to all users, including commercial users.

VUStruct Pipeline Schematic